Tuesday, February 11, 2014

Grow Your Faith


Brothers and Sisters
I Pray that the light of God shines on you continually as we move forward.
At this stage of the battle, it is most pertinent that you and I increase our faith in God (Jude 1:20). Those of us who are sensitive to the Spirit of God can see the signs of the times, by world events and the growth of wickedness in the hearts of men. We recognize that we are moving closer to the end (Matt. 16:2-3, 2 Tim 3:13, Dan. 12:1). Therefore, we urge all men, especially the believers, to draw closer to God by faith (Acts 17:30-31, Mark 1:15).
 Faith  that comes by constant prayer to God and study of the Holy Scriptures is what we should seek after ( 2 Tim. 3:14-17, Rom. 12:11-12).  It is your and my responsibility, brothers and sisters, to build this type of faith in God by practicing these two spiritual acts daily. Prayer reminds us that our help comes from the Lord and not ourselves ( Psalm 27:7-8, Phil. 4:6-7, 1 Thes. 5:17). It reaffirms the presence of God in our lives. The study of the Holy Scriptures teaches us the will of God and enables us to live in a righteous manner (Psalm 119:101-104, Titus 2: 11-14).

Another way that we can grow our faith is by listening ( Rom. 10:17, Prov. 8:1-8). The Bible teaches us to be quick to hear those that are wise in the scriptures( Jam. 3:13-18). However, don't be like little children or a simple person who follows anyone who sounds wise quoting scriptures ( Eph. 4:14).

To avoid this error, we must judge everyone who shares God's word, by the word of God (I John 4:1). This includes all preachers, pastors, priest, biblical teachers, prophets, spiritual leaders, Bishops, elders, holy men, religious writers and Bloggers, so we may know if what they say is true ( Matt. 24:4). The scriptures state, "if they speak (to live and teach the Gospel) not according to the Law and the testimonies, there is no light in them and these are not sent by God"( Isaiah 8:20, Rom. 10:14-15). The Bible counsels us not to listen or follow these men and women, less we be toss to and fro with every new doctrine and the trends of men, who lie in wait to deceive (Jer. 23:25, 21-22, Deut. 13:1-4).

We are to listen to those that fear God-by keeping His commandments in their daily lives and out of a sincere heart share the word of God ( John 8:17-18, John 5:30-32, Acts 20:25-35).

The above growth is incomplete in us, however, without faithful action (James 1:22-25, Rom. 2:13). What this means is that you purposefully apply the teachings and commandments of God in your daily life. This is how we will know that we are in the faith and growing in it, when we acted upon what we have learned (1 John 1:6-7).

Brothers and sisters, we must recognize the urgent need of increasing our faith in these last days. The apostle Paul said in Romans 13:12, “the night is far spent, the day is at hand: let us therefore cast off the works of darkness, and let us put on the armor of light. ” What Paul is saying, is that the world has been involved in wickedness for a long time now and as the day removes the darkness of the night, so the judgment day of the Lord will remove all wickedness from off the earth. He urges us, who can see this, to cast off the works of darkness or to stop living in sin, and put on the armor of light, which is the righteousness of God. To do this, one must have Faith that is mature and unwavering in God by believing His word ( James 1:6-8). For with the heart or mind man believes unto righteousness ( Rom. 10:10).

Make time everyday, Brethren, to read the Bible and pray to our God. And once you gain understanding act on the word. And for your discipline God will grant you a Faith that is strong and able to endure to the end ( Eph. 3:4).

I pray that God would keep you and bless you till we meet again,
