When truth enters our lives we are not only changed, but we are now responsible to the truth. The truth I refer to is the understanding of the word of God. When we learn who God is, who His is Son, and our position to them and towards our fellow man, we are changed for the better. But not only this, God's expectation of us is now different. He now requires us to be a light to all around us.
Daniel 12:3 states that the wise, those who know, understand, and obey God, shall shine like to sun and the moon. They shine because of the knowledge of God in them and their understanding that God expect them to share their wisdom and lead others to Him or unto righteousness. They guide others in the paths of uprightness without error from the truth and without hypocrisy in the spirit of excellence and truth of God's word. This is done while at the same time they themselves are living in an upright and in a holy manner both in public and in their private lives. Hence, Daniel, calls them the wise; whose wisdom cause them to shine like the stars forever as they share God's word.
Christ, also, placed a challenge before us, who would believe on Him and obey the word of God, to live as a living example of righteousness and share what God has given them with the world around you. In Mark 4: 21,22,23 He likens us to a candle that has been lit with the wisdom of God and the understanding of this will. He ask, do men light candles and hide the light of them or do they set it on a candlestick so everyone in the room may have light? The answer is on the candlestick, so it may shine brightly for everyone to see. In like manner, is our calling with God in Christ; we are to live in truth and speak, write, sing truth so the whole world may hear; so, that those who hear may turn to God and unto the right path.
Christ further states that the truth will come out of darkness and cannot be kept in secret. He states that nothing can stop it of hold it back. It is not dependent on man, but is directed by God; who in his times will make all things plain. God will reveal who He is, Who His Son is, His operations in the history and lives on humanity, and his righteousness and sovereignty over all things. The wise and the enlightened will see this and understand it. And as Paul said , " Knowing the terror of God, we persuade men ( 2 Cor. 5:11)- that they may choose what is right and good, that they too may shine as lights in this world and the world to come.
Brother and sisters, I encourage each of you to hold on to your faith in Christ and be a true witness in word and in your deeds, while you win souls back to their God. Be a light that will shine like the sun, the moon, and the stars forever before our God.
David Zarach