Thursday, December 31, 2020

For the People

 Serve the People

With a true heart

Cultivate the Minds, Rise up the Spirits

Be strong and do the work

Serve the People

Obey God, feed His Flock

Speak as the Spirit moves you

Love, guide our actions

Serve the People

Feed them with true knowledge

Feed them with wisdom and understanding

Light has come, Rise Up!

Serve the People

Restore the families of Jacob

Let them be One

Gather the twelve tribes scattered among the nations

Rise up! Ya-Shar-Ahla!


Friday, December 25, 2020

The Autobiography of W.E.B. Du Bois

 The Autobiography of Dr. W.E.B. Du Bois published in 1968, is a prophetic insight into our current future as told though the life story of one of the greatest sons of America. He championed the ideals of nobility, courage, devotion to duty, and a relentless pursuit of justice for his oppressed brethren, Black Americans. He enlarged this quality of true character by adopting a global vision for  enrichment of human life without war, poverty, and ignorance; flourishing in the absence of imperialisms, colonialism, slavery, global monopolies, and oligarchical rule of the rich with their worldwide corporate investments that benefit only a few at the expense of the many.

Free thought, free speech, and freedom from fear and intimidation from government and those in high places Du Bois demand as a human right and obtained it before the world in his opposition towards narrow minded people. No corporation, government, or strong-man, could stop his force for what is right and just. For this he was feared by the oppressors and before him evil had no place to hide.

Du Bois model for us the power of living one's calling and convictions. He set out early in his life of the mind to define the problems facing his people in order to elevate their culture, bring forth their dormant potential, and help them achieve a higher standard of living. He did this using honesty while confronting hatred and ignorance from those who claimed to have the highest level of civilization. He applied the current day's wisdom and knowledge; then he excelled it by asking critical questions about problems and developing effective solutions to the problem, which helped establish the science of sociology, challenged the current dialogue of history, and advanced pollical science. He did this all in real time, putting forth practical methods and providing sound advice for his times and for today.

One of his most practical and critical advice was directed to the coming generations to seek not after riches and status for the purpose of accumulating more and more possessions while the masses of people slip deeper and deeper into poverty. But instead he advised them to seek to learn, grow, and labor to find satisfaction in your work. And that work should be a work that is meaningful and needed by the world. This, he define as what it means to truly live- to find joy in the fact that your work has made a difference towards the betterment of the whole viruses only for the few and the individual.

Dr. Du Bois exemplifies that a heart and mind dedicated to the greater good, to justice to all, and in the defense of truth will always triumph over economic oppression, military aggression, imposes ignorance, religious hypocrisy and intolerance, the lust for gain, and the arrogance of pride. Du Bois life story echo true heroism in the face of giants who dare to challenge the God of Israel. 

"And what shall I more say? for the time would fail me to tell of Gedeon, and of Barak, and of Samson, and of Jephthae; of David also, and Samuel, and of the prophets:...Hebrews 11:32"




Saturday, October 24, 2020

Maturing with God


We sometimes think of adulthood and maturity as concepts that go together once we reach a certain age.  Many cultures have their own demarcation points of when immaturity ends and adulthood begins. In America we have serval key demarcation points. There is the sweet sixteen, eighteen, and 21 when young people move closer to adulthood. In Mexico there is the celebrated 15th year of age that marks the time for young girls entering womanhood. And in the Hebrew culture the ages between 12 to 13 years marks the time when a young man or woman becomes responsible to keeping God’s laws independently. But, physical age does not always indicate a mental shift from immaturity to a mature adult with God.

To be mature is to have a certain level of understanding and ability to differentiate what is appropriate and inappropriate in various situations. It is having the mental capacity to determine what is right from what is wrong using the principles or laws of God (Heb.5:11-14). This ability is continually exercised in every human interaction from marriage, child rearing, the community, organizations, even unto one’s faith.

God, in the scriptures, refers to this type of maturity as wisdom. The first step to wisdom with God is to obey him. To obey God is to know and do his statues, laws, and commandment. Wisdom is a continual practice of learning and application of what you’ve learned in the scripture to every aspect of your life. It is done through a desire to honor God.  It is also called the fear of the Lord throughout the Bible. This mindset leads us unto a true understanding that is evident when we automatically begin avoid or shun evil, which occurs because our thoughts and actions are govern by God’s laws. It is these two aspect of wisdom and understanding in the individual that God requires for true maturity to be credited to the man or the woman as they progress through the life journey (Job 28:28).

 To have the wisdom to obey God and the understanding to depart from evil is maturity regardless of your physical age.  And people reach this stage at different times in their lives as they set their minds on seeking God. Some people unfortunately never reach this point because they refuse to submit to God. They remain in a childish state unaware of the true principles of life and the benefits of avoiding foolish errors driven by ignorance and evil desires. But, there comes a time when we must put away childish things (1 Cor.13:11). To be an adult in God’s eyes then is to desire the honest wisdom of God’s word and move unto maturity by it until one comes to the understanding that allows them to separate themselves for all evil (1 Peter 2:2, 1 John 5:20).




Saturday, September 12, 2020

The sabbath

To worship God on the Sabbath is first in the mind-in the soul and the deep desire of the heart.  It is the joy of thankfulness that he has guided you through another week, that you can pause and worship his ever present state in your life and in the life of the universe. It is to know that he is the cause of all things and the maker of the prefect ordering of all things.
To truly worship on the Sabbath is to open your mind or soul to him on this scared day. It is not being encumbered by work or physical pleasures or the pursuit of them. But to be completely focus on God by meditating and reading his holy word. This is a genuine Sabbath. One not reliant on a place, ceremony, time, or even people, or sounds, or smells, but wholly dependent on the connection of one's mind to the eternal Spirit, which is God.


Thursday, September 10, 2020

His Word

The Bible is the living word of God. his words are holy and true. When the prophets and holy men of God in ancient times prophesied it was not from their own minds or emotions, but from the spirit of God that worked through them( 2 Peter 1:20-21). And this word moves through the earth and among all men bring to past the things it had said. It continues to operates even to this very day. Thus, it is a living word producing its outcomes in the lives and history of men(1 Peter 1:24-25, Acts 7:38).
God does all  these things to reveal himself to his people Israel and to all humanity, so that they may put their hope in him( John 6:63). The ideas and hopes that are merely human cannot trump the purpose and will of God spoken in his word. They will all come to nothing and pass away. But those who abide with God and trust in his word will continue for eternity( 1 john 2:17). God has explicitly  stated that his thoughts are not our thoughts, and his ways are not our ways. His thoughts and ways are higher than men's thoughts and ways. This is the position of his holy world among the sons on men. It will supersede all the plans and intents of men and will accomplish all the purposes and will of God who sent it (Is. 55:8-11). Therefore, it alone is truth( John 18:37,38).
Gods' word is so powerful and wonderful that it is the very extension of him. Hence, it is called God( John 1:1-5). It is the true light that shines in the darkness, to guide each of us on the path to him( 2 Peter 1:19).


Wednesday, September 9, 2020

His Word Heals

God is the true healer of Israel. He cares for us. He watches over us. He brings hope to his people by his word, his prophets, and his saints. He does this out of his love for each of us. He is forever consciousness of our needs and never forsakes us in our times of need. When Israel stumbles and fall he sends his ministers to comfort, encourage, and show them the way back to Him again that they may be complete once more. 
God remains constant with Israel through the generations in honor of his everlasting covenant with us. We, the children of Israel, will forever be his people and he will forever be our God.


Tuesday, September 8, 2020

The Appointed Time

At the appointed time God will work on your mind to go and do the work He has destine for you to do.
We see this example in the life of Moses, as recorded in the book of Acts 7:23-25. At the age of 40 Moses was inspired by God or the though came into his mind from God, to go and assess the condition of his people Israel. He was moved by God to be concerned for their welfare and freedom from slavery under the Egyptians.
Heb. 11:24-27, goes even further in demonstrating how God operates in the lives of men, through the example of Moses. Moses had received the gift of faith and believed in the prophecy God had given to his people, starting with Abraham unto Joseph and the time of their captivity. God had foretold that the seed of Abraham through Isaac unto the 12 tribes of Israel would be oppressed in their enemies land and held in slavery, but  that he would send a deliverer to liberate them. And this deliverer would lead them into the promised land of Canaan. Moses was aware of this prophecy that was past down from generation to generation among the people of Israel. Therefore, at the critical moment in his life when he had achieve renowned and power among the Egyptians as a military general, a scholar, and a prince to the throne, by the power of God he rejected it all and chose God and Israel( through whom Christ would come into the world)-as stated by the historian Flavius Josephus and referred to by Stephen in Acts. Moses,by the spirit of God directing him, endured the challenge before him. And he chose to suffer with the people of Israel  in withstanding the mightiest empire on earth at that time. He demand of the king of Egypt to let the people of God go free. By faith, the scriptures states, he preformed miracles and wonders in the land of Ham. He overthrew the Egyptian empire with the power of God through faith. And he marched out of slavery before a free people- the people God had chosen as his own.
The timing of God is perfect in the lives and history of men. He sets the stages and bring to past all his purposes at the appointed times( Is. 46:9,10). He sends his prophets, leaders, and ministers of his people at critical junctions in time to fulfill all that he has spoken; by moving in their minds and equipping them with the faith they will need to meet the challenges of their times. Therefore, whatever God has destine for you to do, wait for him, and know that at the appointed time he will move in your heart to bring it to past. He will cause your life to have the impact it was meant to have.


Sunday, September 6, 2020

A Change will come

Many of the enemies of Israel today, have imagined that by their cruel and wicked devices against them that it will bring an end to them. But, like all our ancient enemies: the Canaanites, Egyptians, Edomites, Assyrians, Babylon, the Persian and Meeds, the Greeks, and the Romans, they too will come to realize that there is a God in heaven, who cares for us and is working everything out on our behalf. Therefore, no matter what evils they spew out, we will prevail in the end. We overcome again and again.

In the book of Acts 7: 17-19,  Stephen, an elder and head of the affairs of the early movement of Christ and the Apostles, recounted the acts of evil men in their attempt to stop the promises of God towards his people Israel. We read in these scriptures that God had cause the population of his holy people to increase in Egypt for the purpose of fulfilling the prophecy He made to Abraham that He would bring his grandchildren children, the Israelites, into the land of the Canaanites to possess it in the future. This prophecy was widely circulated among the people in their journeying, even in the land of Egypt. Joseph, a son of Israel, whom God sent into Egypt before the people came, had reinforced this prophecy also to them when stated to his brothers, ". . .I die: and God will surely visit you, and bring you out of this land unto a land which he swear to Abraham, to Isaac, and to Jacob. . .(Gen. 50:24-25)."
The Egyptians knew this prophecy also, and were moved with fear, jealousy, and hatred against Israel. Because they knew God was for the people and God was about to work among them. Therefore, they set out to stop this prophecy and  halt the deliverance of the children of Israel from slavery under them. They used corrupt laws and state systems designed to establish the enslavement the people. And  ultimately they used these laws and state powers as a means of preventing the rise of a coming deliverer among the people; culminating in the slaughter of the Hebrew male babies, from among whom they knew this leader would rise.( This is very similar to the current American-Egyptian captivity of the modern Israelites. The American system today is bent of the destruction of the people, especially the Black, Indian, and Latino males, from among whom will come the last prophets. Because the American government too knows that it's through these Hebrew males that last prophets will come and usher in the end of this evil world.) This leader was the promised one, who would be a prince and a judge to the people and fight the cause of Israel. This prophesied male child  was Moses( Acts. 7:25, Heb. 11:24-27). It was he whom God had chosen and protected from the Egyptians wicked schemes. God chose him to fulfill his prophecy and to keep his oath to Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob-to give the children of Israel a homeland and to establish them as the holy nation on earth (Heb. 11:23, 29).

This theme of the oppressors of Israel knowing the prophecy of God towards his people and their attempt to stop it is repeated throughout the scriptures. From Balaam the prophet with the king of Moab, who desire to stop the progress of Moses and the Israelites towards the promised land(Num. 22:1-6), to Sanballat the Horonite, with his allies, who was exceedingly grieved that was a man come to seek the welfare of the children of Israel in the times of Nehemiah (Neh. 2:10). Even up to the time of Christ, we witness the wicked trying to stop the events of the prophecy of Israel's hope in the coming Savior. Herod, the Edomite king of Judea under Rome, at the time of Christ's birth, knew this prophecy of the coming Messiah or king of Israel, and tried his best to stop it by killing all the Israelite male babies two years or younger- an attempt to kill God's prophet as child. But in all these schemes God demonstrated His power act in the lives and history of all humanity, by causing his prophecy to prevailed regardless of evil plots and cause to Israel to be delivered.
  The current generation of Israelites, also experience these same things from their enemies. For example, in our recent history here in the Americas, many men and women have stood up for the welfare of the people. And our enemies have attempted to stop their rise and success. They have use lies, torture, blackmail, assassinations, and infighting and divisions to break down individuals and destroy groups and movements that champion our freedom from captivity. They have even gone to the extent of manipulating our foods in our communities to cause disease and addictions to escalate among us. To make ineffective hormonal imbalances and nutrient deficiencies that lead to chronic disease like diabetes, high blood pressure, heart disease, cancer, addictions, and obesity. They have also created a entire educational system specifically for us that is designed to destroy us by teaching lies, demotivating true creativity and learning, and promoting low self-esteem and self-hatred. This system is directly used to funneling so-called Black, Latino, and Indian children into the prison system by means of this poor quality education and desperate poverty it produces in the masses that go through it. Also, even among those who seem to get better educational opportunities we see that often times they are so indoctrinated that they actually support systems of the oppressors because of the type of education  they receive the these school of their enemies.  These curriculums that they receive are Eurocentric in nature promoting white supremacy and hatred of their own people. This type of education causes them to have no true heart or love for the struggles of their people. This educated class refuse to help the massed of Israel. Because they are wholly committed to the causes of the oppressors system by this indoctrination.

Why are the modern enemies of the Israelites so bent of their destruction and the demise of their leadership? Because, they too understand the prophecy of the rise of the Israelite kingdom on earth in the coming ages. It is a fact that the controllers of this modern age( the Edomites and the confederacies) are very acquainted with the Hebrew scriptures. From the times of the Greeks to America, they have had contact with the scriptures and have become aware of its' implications and truths. Daniel said, in his writings, that in the last days of the final empire on earth-the Romans, with their descendants  in Europe and America would come a king or kingdom ( the finale ruling body- America) of fierce countenance, and understanding dark sentences( the Bible), shall come or stand up( Dan. 8:24). And he shall have great power derived from Satan and the global alliances he will form with the nations. Daniel continues, stating that he shall destroy wonderfully and succeed in his enterprise. His greatest endeavor, however, will be the destruction of the mighty and holy people of God: Israel. He will start this process of destroying  the holy people by destroying the leadership or the potential leaders of the people. Because he knows that if you destroy the leadership of a people, they are like defenseless sheep among wolves. Hence, the scripture in Zech. 13:7 states, ". . .Smite the shepherd, and the sheep shall be scattered. . ." This is why there was, and still is, a Cointelpro FBI program in this country aimed at Black, Latino, and Indian leaders and potential leaders to eliminate or discredit them in the service of their people. This program was  touted as an attempt to stop the rise of what the government called the Black Messiah or the rise of a powerful black leader, who can mobilize and unify the Blacks, Latinos, and Indians into one people. However, none of these schemes, nor  will any of their enterprises be a success. Because, they do not understand that neither man, nor spirit can withstand the Creator of all things. They cannot undo what God has destine to come to past, which is the salvation of his people Israel(Is.46:13).
God has ordained that the final leaders of Israel will emerge in the last days, and will be granted divine protection with armies of angels around them in the spirit world, holding back the final war till they are sealed with the word of God and his Holy Spirit ( Rev. 7:1-4). And they  cannot be stopped in the mission that God gave them- to bear witness to the truth of God Holy Word. And no weapon that is formed shall prosper against them( Is. 54:17). In the end, the scripture confirms, that they shall stand victoriously on month Zion with the Lamb of God, Christ our Lord and King of Kings(Rev. 14:1)-ushering in the Kingdom of Israel; the Kingdom of God.

" ...and give him no rest, till he establish, and till he make Jerusalem a praise in the earth (Is.62:7)."


Thursday, September 3, 2020

God is in Control

God is active in the history and the events of our national and individual lives. The prophet Daniel stated by divine revelation that it is God who changes times and seasons- he removes kings, and sets up kings. . . ( Dan. 2:20,21) And He has been active in the national and individual life of the people he chose: the Israelites. His involvement with them has not ended, even up to this very day( Ps. 147:19,20).
Acts 13:16-41, is a masterful summary by Paul of this thesis, as it outlines Gods' every interaction with his people unto Christ, and the salvation he opened to them and all who will believe through him.
In these verses we read that God chose Israel to be his people. He selected them out of all the nations on earth because he loved their fathers, Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, and their children after them(Deut. 7:7,8,9). It was he who entered the kingdom of Egypt  and overthrew it when they enslaved and oppressed Israel. He intervened with mighty signs and wonders to free them from bondage. He guided them on their journey to the promised land. And after the death of their leaders Moses and Joshua, God established judges to govern and protect them. He ordained prophets and kings for them. And out of Israel he chose David the son of Jesse to be his beloved and king over all Israel forever through the promised Messiah. God made a covenant with David that through his bloodline he would cause Christ to be born. It is Christ whom God selected to be the savior of Israel and all who will believe on him through Christ.
Gods' focus always begins with his people Israel first, because he has chosen them to be his witnesses. No other nation can take this upon themselves to be his witnesses.  No one can select to be his people, that honor is given to the descendants of the Israelites down to this very day by Gods' election. Hence, in the book of Revelation chapter seven and fourteen, we read of the 144,000 men of Israel, whom God has chosen to be prophets and leaders under Christ to preach the final gospel in the last days( history starts with Israel and ends with Israel). God is forever involved in the life of his people and the events on earth.
To prove this point further Acts 13 states, that the ministry of John the Baptist before the coming of Christ was to the Israelites. He urged them to repent of their sins and prepare for the coming Messiah. And at the arrival of the Messiah, Jesus of Nazareth, the focus of God did not change towards his people. Christs' ministry at that time was to the lost sheep of Israel (Matt. 15:24, Rom. 15:8, Rom. 9:1-5). To those among the people who feared or honored God-to them was Christ sent by God to give them salvation form the coming wrath because of sin.
God is even active in the lives of those who don't fear him and reject him and Christ. Because he created them to fulfill his prophecy, which stated that only a remnant of Israel would return to God and be saved. The rest would hear the truth, but not understand. They would see the power of God, yet not perceive it. Because their hearts were harden and their eyes were blinded. Instead of turning to God, they run after their own lust and wickedness(  Rom. 9:6-13, Rom. 11:7,8, Matt. 13:14-16, 2 Thess. 2:11,12,13-14).
It was this element in Israel, not the remnant, that executed Christ. They did not truly know God or Christ, even though many of them had diligently studied the scriptures. However, deep in their hearts they were bent on pursing their own desires and not Gods'. Therefore, they were blinded and so the scriptures were fulfilled in them. And not only this, God more willing to show his great power resurrected the slain Christ; restoring him back to life forever, three days after his execution. To demonstrate to all mankind that light is greater than darkness, that evil cannot overcome good, and that the truth always prevails. Therefore, by Christ, God made a way for his people to be saved and recover themselves from the power of sin.
God does all these things in the events and history of nations and men, starting with his people Israel to demonstrate to all humanity that He alone is God and all powerful( Is. 43:9,10,11,12). To the end that his remnant, whom he has chosen, may put their hope in him and  draw closer to him(2 Cor.4:15, 2 Tim.2:10).


Tuesday, September 1, 2020

Have Faith

We must see situations for what they are-a test of our faith. When bad times come or a crisis arise, or when hard decision have to be made and you feel like your back is against the proverbial wall, that is when your faith is tested and grown. It is at these critical times that we build faith, stamina, and character when we endure. But, if we give up, then our faith is and was small. Therefore, we must see things for what they truly are: a test and a challenge to grow our faith in God and Christ.
Matt. 14:13-21, is an example of this dilemma we faced as the followers of Christ. The scripture tells of the event surrounding the miracle preformed by Christ in feeding over five thousand people with five loaves of bread and two fishes.
 In a dessert place Christ was ministering to the people, preaching and healing into the evening. With no food available in the place for the people, the twelve approached him and requested to send the people away that they may find food and be refreshed. But, Christ desiring to use the situation to instruct both them and the people regarding God's ability to provide for our needs even when it seems impossible, decided not to send the people away( John 6:5,6). Instead, He instructed the disciples to bring the food on hand to him and go and organize the people to receive the food he was about to bless. He then prayed to God over the food and gives it to his disciples to distribute among the people present. The food was miraculously multiplied to meet the needs of the people by the faith of Christ and his love for the people- God honored His pray and confirmed Him as His Messiah before them all that day. The scripture concluded stating, " And they did all eat and were filled . . ." Thus, strengthening their faith in God and Him.
God will test our faith in desperate situations like these to see if we will trust in Him. For he seeks those that are worthy to be called His children and the planting of His hands. If we doubt and give up in the struggles then, says the scripture, we were never His from the start( Heb. 10:38-39, 1 John 2:19). There are many people who claim to be believer in Christ, but when crisis and challenges come they deny Him or fall away. This is sad and a testament to the fact that their faith was not strong. But, we who endure the pain, the struggle, and the uncertainty of this life keep striving and holding on to our faith in Christ. Because we know from the scriptures and from the lives of generations of faithful men and women that in the midst of the storms of life God is able to comfort us and provide for all our needs no matter what the situation is( Matt. 6:31-34).

If you're going through hardship( as we all are or will be) remember these scripture and meditate on them to build your faith:
Ps. 34: 17,18,19
God is our deliverer through the power and grace of His Son Christ, our Lord( 2 Cor. 12:9,10, Phil. 4:12,13).


Monday, August 31, 2020

God Will Bring it to Past

God's hand is in all our lives and in all situations. He created each of us with a purpose and a unique path to walk on. Sometimes our paths can lead to many positive and uplifting experiences along the way. And at other times, we are faced challenges filled with pain and suffering. But through it all God is present and at working to fulfill our life's destiny.
Ps. 138:8, summarizes this idea. It states that God will perfect the things concerning us in our individual lives. He will bring about the good He intended for us. Why? because His mercy is towards those He has created and it will never end. He cares for all his creation. He will never leave it to chance or have a "come what may" attitude. The scripture states that He will not forsake the works of His hands- this includes all that is in the earth, in the sea, and in the heavens.
This is comforting when we consider the level of uncertainty today. We have no assurance of a clear and prosperous future- illness can attack us suddenly, lost of income, death, wars, divisions, uprisings, natural disasters, etc. All these things are possible everyday. To those that are not seeking God to help make sense of it all and to understand their obligation to him as their creator, the times may seem chaotic and hopeless. But, for us who know our God and put our trust in him, we can weather the storms of life. Because we know He is right by our side helping us along the way, even when times are good or when they are bad(Matt. 7:24-25). We stand firm knowing that his mercy endures forever and that He is perfecting us through the storms(Heb. 2:9-10).


Sunday, August 30, 2020


When do we truly grow as individuals and as a people? It's not when we accumulate more and more possessions or when we are in greater comfort. Growth happens in the struggle to do what is right-that's when we grow both as an individual and as a people.
In Isaiah 5:11-15, the prophet expounds on the state of the Israelite people by examining their mindset. Isaiah ominously warns that destruction is coming to those who rise up early to pursue strong drink. This strong drink is not alcohol or a drug, it's the lust and pleasure driven mindset of the individual and the people. A type of behavior so strong that it removes the Israelites form anything remotely associated with the God of their ancestors; the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob. They go after their lust with great passion and vigor until it consumes them or completely embodies them, so that they lose all remembrance of who they truly are-Gods' holy people.   
And they pursue their pleasures with such joy as if they were at a party filled with music, laughter, dancing, and drinking. Yet, the prophet continues, Israel never stopped to regard the consequences of departing form God, nor do they consider the operations that God is doing among them and the world because of it. Therefore,  they are blind to the knowledge of God and their duty to Him as they pursue their pleasure and desires.
For this reason hell is unleashed on them suddenly and would continue throughout the ages until they return to God. This explains most of our history today and why evil happens to us- the lost of our homeland Israel, the fall of our cities and states in Africa, Spain and parts of Europe, Yemen, the Americas. And the daily persecutions we endure from those that hate us. Isaiah prophesied that no one would be spared in Gods' judgement. The curse would pursue all Israel from generation to generation until we humble ourselves and submit to God in truth.
Today we, the descendants of Israel, must read the words of the prophets and reflect deeply on them and learn form the mistakes of the past( 1 Cor. 10:11). We must forsake these past errors of pursuing our own lust and ways. We must seek to learn the will of God and what is pleasing to Him through study and prayer. This will take self-denial and self-discipline in forgoing sinful urges that separates us form God-and it will hurt. You will have to suffer in the process of giving up the pursuit of your carnal desires( remember, we do things we enjoy, not what we hate). This process is different for each of us, as every man has his own sin that easily captivates him( Heb. 12:1). It could be as simple as abstaining form poor food choices that harm your health or abstaining from unclean meats we once enjoyed out of ignorance,  or it could be the pull of another god or religion you've known for generations in your family or community and now you must decide to follow God according to the truth of the Bible, or it could be ceasing from adultery or whore-mongering. Whatever the case may be, it has to end. And it will hurt psychologically or spiritually as you separate yourself from sin. But, if you endure the suffering as Christ did when He had to give up his life under the cruelty of wicked people in order to do what is right, then you too will achieve spiritual growth and victory with God the Father( 1 Peter 4:1-4). Christ was transformed from a natural state to a supernatural spiritual state and received the highest honor in Heaven and on earth-He received the title of Son of God and kingship of all the universe(1 Cor. 15:45, 1 Tim. 6:13-16). If we suffer in doing what is righteous as God commands, then we too will be reward for our efforts at the end of Gods' great work among humanity, even the redemption of our souls from the curse(Matt. 16:24-27).

Meditate on the following verses, Brothers and Sisters, to grow and overcome:
Col. 3:1-10

Knowledge is freedom and obedience is victory and suffering is redemptive!


Saturday, August 29, 2020

Why We Care

What causes a Hebrew man to look around his community and wonder why? Why all the hurt, pain, and tragedy? Why all the injustice and centuries of oppression? And most of all, what is the solution?
These are the questions asked by the prophets and saints of God regarding their nation Israel. It is asked out of love for their people and a desire to see their peace and happiness. To see their unity in the God.
Ezekiel 9:4 tackles these questions and dilemmas regarding the state of the Israelite nation yesterday and today by God's prophets and teachers. In this verse, as we read, we come to understand that the Most High has sent His angel among the Hebrew Israelites for a specific purpose. To walk among them and examine them in all their cities and lands in order to seek out a body of men that are of a certain disposition. Men that are sensitive to the plight of His people( Matt. 9:36). Those who realize that something isn't right, that there must be a better way than what they see( Neh. 1:4-6).
Just as in the past, men like this today  are troubled by the crime, adultery, drunkenness, poor education, lying, vulgarity, meanness, hatred, murder, apostasy, idolatry, and the love of wickedness they find rampant among the Hebrew people that are lost to their true identity.  Also, in our times, these modern day prophets see what the enemies of Israelite people are doing to them in this lost state. They taking advantage of their defenseless state by brutalizing and killing them at will. They manipulate their laws to imprison them in masses. They even promotes the vices seen in the Hebrew communities by adding drugs, alcohol, processed and cheap foods to destroy their health, provide poor housing and poorly founded schools to further their plight. The governments of the enemy allows those sworn to uphold the laws for civil order to break them when dealing with the Hebrew communities. All this is a deep concern for men who love their people and desire justice.
 It is great tragedy to those men whom God is seeking today.
 It was this type of concern and mindset in the past that moved men like Nat Turner, Fredrick Douglas, David Walker, Toussaint L'Ouverture, Rafael Carrera, Henrique Dias, General Alexandre Dumas, Antonio Maceo,  Marcus Garvey, W.E.B Du Bois, Martin Luther King, and Malcolm X to stand up and cry out for justice and a better way for their people. And it is this type of heart and spirit that God is seeking in the men who will warn His people to forsake their sins and return to Him. Men that will stand up in defiance against the tyranny and oppression of the poor.
God will send His angel among these men to set the Mark of His divine wisdom and knowledge in their foreheads so that they may understand the whys of the tragedies among their people. He will  reveal the mystery of their peoples plight and show them how to to secure their freedom. God, by the work in the spirit realm, will shows them what they must do to help Israel overcome sin. He will show them the paths of repentance and true godliness(  Ez. 18:31,32).
By God's wisdom in them they will come to the understanding of the work and love of Christ for the redemption of Israel. Who only was ordained by God to remove the sins of Israel( Acts 5:30,31,32). It is through God that they will come to the solution of Israel's dilemma and her freedom ( Rom. 6: 22,23). The prophecy states that these men, with the mark of God in their foreheads, will firmly trust in God and in His Messiah. They will follow Christ wherever He leads them among all Israel( Rev. 14:1,4). They live for the people, they defend the people, and they care for the people by dedicating their lives to showing them how to return to God again through Christ( 1 Thess. 2:8, 19,20).


Friday, August 28, 2020


We, the twelve tribes of Israel, are destine for victory. It is written that we would return from the depths of slavery to a kingdom, from being a no people to the people of God again, from a scattered people to one unified nation on mount Zion, by God and Christ.

Hosea 1:10 prophecies of this great awakening in the chief place of our captivity-North America.
It states that in the last days or what is to come to pass, that our population would grow to an enumerable number, which can be realized when you consider the number of Israelites throughout the Americas, the Caribbeans,  England, France, Spain, Germany, Throughout Africa, the Middle East, the Far East, and the pacific Islands- we are a global people that truly cannot be numbered, as the scriptures says.
The verse continues,  that it will come to pass in the Place, where it was declared that we are not the Israelites, but Blacks and Indians, that there, they who took us captives would confess that we are the sons of the living God-for God's power in history and events will make it evident. That Place, the Scripture speaks of is North America. It is called the Place because it is the chief of all nations in history and where the greatest oppression of the Israelites has occurred. It is also the greatest manifestation of the Greco-Roman empire, outshining all its European brothers and sisters in glory, power, and political genius, so that all the earth is quiet before it. Hence, God has chosen it to demonstrate His great power  in overthrowing it and setting the world back to a righteous order, starting with the rebirth of his holy people Israel and the second coming of Christ.
Zep.3:19, details the rise of the Israelite in the last days, stating that at that time God would undo all that afflicted them. He would bring an end to the ignorance imposed on them by their enemies. No more would they not know who their God and savior is. No more would they believe the lie of who their enemies say they are, but would know the truth and be free. Also, in the end, God Himself would come with His army of angels to physically remove them from this place and all lands they were taken to as slaves. This is what is commonly called the rapture by modern Christians and theologians. But they ignore the prophetic and historical content of the matter. It is for a specific people at a specific time, for a specific purpose here on earth. It is God's great gathering of His holy people Israel and returning them to the seat of their empire: New Jerusalem. It is and act to glorify them before all nations and lands that they were put to shame. For God, by Christ, will take that which was weak in the world to confound the things that were mighty (1 Cor. 1:27). And the base things of the world, and things which were despised, has God chosen, and things which were not, to bring to nothing things that are ( 1 Cor. 1:28). This is the will of God and no one can stop it. Therefore, no one can glory in His presence (1 Cor. 1:29), for all glory belongs to Him who is bring all these things to past.
Hosea 1:11, at that time or future time, the prophet continues, the reawaken Israelites from the southern kingdom of Judah (the Hebrew Israelites descended form the the tribes of Judah, Benjamin, and Levi, who are the progenitors of the Hebrew races that come out of Africa, Europe, and the Middle East that were taken into slavery in the Atlantic slave trade) and the Northern Kingdom of Israel ( the Hebrew Israelites descended from the remaining ten tribes of Israel, who separated themselves from all the nations of the old world and crossed over the Atlantic ocean to colonize the Americas) will gather together as one people- the nation of Israel. They will also, states Hosea, come in agreement on their faith in God and Christ by selecting Christ as their head or King. And at that time they shall be delivered by Christ out of the Americas: out of captivity- " for great shall be the day of Jezreel." This final quote denotes that these events that will and are unfolding are done by God, for Jezreel means the planting of God or the work of God.



Thursday, August 27, 2020

We the People

We da People, yesterday, today, and forever


Praise God In the pure langue

Let us Return to the most high, For He will Heal Us! ( Hosea 6:1)


Its an Israelite World

Everybody is seeking answers
Minds wondering where we headed
Chaos or a New Day
Who to trust
Politicians, theologians,
scholars, astrologers
All magicians and liars
Trust only God
navigating thru the darkness of the fourth Beast
I turn to the east, to the rising sun, towards holy mount Zion!
144 Rising, preach the last gospel  before the judgement
Let the dry bones in the valley of America Rise Up!
Its an Israelite World!
Calling all tribes from Canada to Argentina, around the Caribbean, and  all the sons of Jacob scattered aboard - Rise Up!
Speak the truth
Let the nations quake at our reawakening 
Call down fire from heaven, turn the waters to blood again!
Do signs and wonders that men may glorify the God of Israel,
 when He comes to Redeem His people and set the world in order.
Its an Israelite World forever!



Wednesday, August 12, 2020

Renewal 2020



You recommit to God, Christ, and the people of Israel.


          I.            Share your gifts and ability on behalf of the people and their rebirth ( Ps. 78:6,7).

        II.            Share the things God reveal to you with the people and future generations ( Deut. 29:29).

      III.            Establish a place of learning in the word of God; a light in a very dark place, so that Israel and all who fear God may find the true path (Romans 16: 3-5, 1 Sam. 10:10).

     IV.            Refuse to let your portion in this work of God die with you in the grave. But, rather, do what only you can do, in the way only you can, by His grace (Is. 6:8, Matt. 25:14,15, 1 Cor. 15:10,11)).

       V.            Impart not just the gospel but your very soul, so that the elect may live on the day of Christ (Matt. 9:36).

     VI.            Defend the poor, the weak, the homeless, the forsaken, the lost sheep of Israel, like David and Judas Maccabee, who fought the wars of Israel with joy (Ps. 78:70-72).

   VII.            Labor to present your fruit before Christ, the King, on that day. To show Him and the world that you did not fear, nor turn back unto death, but embraced the prophecy, believing the truth. Because you loved God, the Father, His Son, our King, and the people of God-the Hebrew Israelites and all who feared God. You refused to accept this world with its rebellion and cruelties (1 Thess. 2:19,20).

Personal Blueprint:

·         Read the prophets, starting with Moses unto John the Baptist to learn the prophecy of Christ and Israel.

·         Daily and weekly labor in your work for the Truth; producing the fruit that is in you for the struggle and the freedom of Israel.

·         Teach and Preach on the holy Sabbath at home and abroad continually, till God makes Zion a praise in all the earth.

·         Go out into the streets, highways, and byways to meet the people destine to be saved by God’s divine grace.

·         Fast often, pray always, and read continually.

·         Strive to put into practice the word of God daily

·         Hope for the Promise always.


Psalm 124

My prayer is that as you read this, your spirit may be refreshed and you recommit yourself to the work Yahawah has given you in His Son, for this truth.





Saturday, August 1, 2020


Though my body
 may be destroyed
Yet, my soul can't be stopped 
It Rises
It Overcomes
It Stands
Till the end of Ages


Saturday, July 25, 2020

The Sin and The Gift

The wages of Sin is Death
The Gift of God is Eternal Life
The wages of Sin is Death
The Gift of God is Eternal Life

The wages of Sin is Death and
The Gift of God is Eternal Life

Open your eyes to reality and forsake 
all your myths America!

Your sins against the least of these, 
will be your Death.

But, the Gift of God to His people Israel 
is Eternal Life;
those you forced into alleyways, placed on reservations, 
kept on islands of poverty, and left in the gutters of your cities.

Obadiah 1:10

Live forever Israel!



I looked to heavens
and lift up my voice
to the God of eternity:
the God of Israel, the Great I AM.
O, Remember me, my God,
in the land of my captivity.

Once I came before you
at your alter to offer prayers and sacrifices,
with the sweet incense of my words
echoing up to you in Heaven.

But now I search to find the words
to call upon your name.
A haze, like the dusk of evening, has settled on me.
The chains placed on my mind
are heavy and bounded so tightly that no man can loose them.

Time ebbs and flows.
And I wait for you to unlock my prison doors.

Jeremiah 15:14
Jeremiah 16:13-15


Monday, July 6, 2020

Let GO

I just want to let go
Fly away
where my troubles
is no mo
I just want to let go
of the world you said was your creation
given you by your god
I want to fly far away
to my holy mount
where peace is 
I just want to let go
from the loneliness
you've created, the fear
you've instigated, the horror
you've perpetrated with impunity
and a disregard to all human decency 
I just want to let go
depart through the clouds
where peace is and rest from all my 
hard bondage
I want to scream
release my rage
all my hurt
from this injustice
Yet, I cry like a dove
I just want to let go
from this matrix of the curse
I just want to 
fly away
and never drown in the floods
poured out on me
I just want to let go
to depart is peace
Yet, to stay is more expedient
for We are His witnesses
His proof that He alone 
is the only true God- The Ancient of Days
My happiness in my trouble
Jacob's trouble
He who I can call on
when I'm pressed down so low.

David Zarach


Saturday, June 13, 2020

We need Love

A cool brother once song "I need Love.."
I need love for myself
I need love for my people
We need love to face the struggle
We must love to be His disciples
Our enemies taught us not to love ourselves
to hate ourselves, to disconnect,
to be numb to hurt and the pain of 500 years
of slavery, oppression, degradation, exploitation,
humiliation, segregation, assimilation, and mis-education
Because they knew that if we found true Love
our power
our hope
our salvation
would be restored
would be realized
would be resurrected from the dead
Love is what we need now
Love is what will bring life again to all our dead
Love is what will separate us from the dead
Therefore, I sing too, " I need Love"
For love is the fulfillment of all God's Law
With Love I can overcome all things
With Love no evil shall enter in, nor will it ever win.

2 John 1:6


Must see movie- Da 5 Bloods, by Spike Lee. This movie digs deep into what love looks like in action among ourselves, as we try to navigate this system of oppression and lies. It express the bond that exist when we connect with each others and are committed to our people and their hurts and pains. In it's own way it encourages us to love each others, to forgive each others, and to never give up on each others ( showing on Netflix).

Here is an interview with one of the elders of the movie:

Monday, June 8, 2020

Seek Wisdom

Sleep early, Rise early
Live the life of a scribe
Open your third eye
Listen in the quite morn
before the rising of the sun
Open your mind and let the gift of Wisdom enter in
Open the portals of heaven by asking for Her
Enter the Open Door
Walk along the path that leads to eternity- Life everlasting.
" Who is this that engages his mind to seek God?"

Jer. 30:21


Monday, June 1, 2020

Uprise, Protest, Covid-19, In America

In America
In Captivity
War in the Streets
Police brutality
Red Dragon Laughing
Mocking our Misery
Cities Burning
In America
No Freedom, only Bondage
and the Youth see it
They can feel it
taking hold
Red Dragons
Lock and Load
Kill the Poor
Hunt the Meek
In America
Lion on His way
Meet the Dragon
Slay him
In his Streets
In the highways
In the Clef of the Rocks
In the Caves and the Woods
Bring an end to their Day
Give the Earth
To the Meek
Day of Visitation


Sunday, May 10, 2020

Let us Work in these Last Days

Shalam, Brothers and Sisters,
This is the time for us to labor with wisdom to overcome the evil of these days. Let us not sleep like others sleep; but let us be sober and vigilant as we work and wait for Christ's return( 1 Thess.5:6-8).


We will be Immortal in Christ, in Zion, in that Day

Hold on to your faith, Brothers and Sisters, don't let anything or anyone take your crown(Rev. 3:11). If we abide with Him to the end, we will achieve the promise give us-the promise of immortality.
This is not just to live forever, but much more. It is a transformation from a body subject to sin, to one that shares a like spiritual body as Christ has( 1 cor. 15:51-53). We will not be God or Christ, but kings, princes, and priest of the Most high( Rev. 1:5-6, Is. 61:6). To us will be given the work of governing the next world empire. And not even Hell can stop it. Because, it is God who ordained it to be so.



Rage against
Rage against
the sons and daughters of Babylon
Devils and witches-
You are of your father the Devil.
We will hunt you and your sons and daughters
from the rocks and the caves you run to in the Day of our Black Messiah.
You are guilty of shedding innocence blood in your kingdom.
From the day you were born you were a murderer
You and your white-christ are murderers.
The Angels of God will hunt both you and him.
The choice is coming for all to make,
the fear is lifting
and God is about to restore our spirit-
for all our dead homies
for all our dead grandmothers you murdered- coward
for all the little babies you kill everyday by your witch doctors and witch nurse-heroes you call them
for all the blood you have spilled in the earth
God will give you blood to drink
and you will drink it down and be drunk from it.
This is a prophecy.
This is the hope of all the lovers of Justice.
You will be abolished and cast back into the bottomless pit-
You Beast.

For all the fallen victims and hurting mourners, I pray:

Lord, Jesus, look down from heaven, where you sit next to the God of all creation-the Cause, the Great I AM, Yahawah our power, and remember what Edom has done on earth. He has done arrogance and pride in his killings. He has loved blood, therefore, show him no mercy, neither pity his women, his children, his grandmother, or that wicked old devil, his grandfather. Remember the evil of their youth and pride, and pay them back double, Lord. Abolish their churches-that support their killings, Abolish their government- that support their evils, Abolish their economy- that sucks the life out of everything for their lust, Abolish their memory from the earth. Lord Jesus, sweet Jesus, send more plagues, disease, wars, death, and destruction on them. Show them no pity, do to them what they have down to us, Oh, my Jesus. Send terror into their hearts and take away their sleep-show them in a dream your coming and visitation, with all your fierce army of Angels with you, so that they may cry out and run to the hills and mountains to hide from your great wrath( Rev. 6:14,15,16,17).  Amen ...Rev. 22:20

Saturday, May 9, 2020

Faith unto Holiness With God

Shalam, Brothers and sisters,

Here is a new class on faith I would like to share with you as we grow in our journey with Christ unto the Kingdom of God.

Friday, April 24, 2020


Yah own's this Revolution
He's gonna see you and me thru
Don't you worry
little brother, little sister
We come from generations of overcomers
He was the first and we are His children
A race of overcomers
We be steadfast
We'll be standing long after the trouble has come and gone
This Revolution has a reward for those that stay strong
thru the pain, the prisons, the lock-downs, the heartbreaks,
the killings, the miscarries, the disappointments, and the dissolution
we( we who overcome) know that after the suffering is joy-
unspeakable, unsearchable, never heard of before, nor seen.
Yah's got this Revolution.
John 16:33


Saturday, April 18, 2020

Be Holy

Shalam, brothers and sisters, I wanted to expound on the following three scriptures from 2 Peter 3:9.10.11 regarding the last days and how we should to live during them.
 I will provide reference scriptures to help explain some key points and terms in breakdown to help increase the understanding of these scriptures.

2 Peter 3:9

The backdrop of this scripture is found in the verses above it- 2 Peter 3:1-8- this will help us understand the context of the verse we want to breakdown. In backdrop, Peter explains that the believers in God and Christ must have knowledge and faith in the holy scriptures and the commandments of the apostles as their first priority in establishing their faith. This is because in the last days the truth of God would be greatly compromises and discredited by a people who would rise up and consider it foolishness and would mock at it. These people are the children of wrath or of the devil spoken of in the scriptures, who would appose everything related to God-His words, His prophecy, and his people ( Col. 3:5-6, Rev. 21:7-8).
The argument that they attempt to use in order to discredit God's word is the length of time that has past without any change in the world per the establishment of the Kingdom of God. They argue that mankind continues live as it has always lived, with ruling nations, wars, buying and selling, and generations coming and going. They say God has not intervened nor will He ever do so.
   But they are ignorant, Peter states, of the history of God's mighty acts in the events on earth, which is in agreement with His words. He reminds them that is was God who destroyed the first civilization of mankind that descended from Adam with  the greatest flood ever recorded in history; because they doubted God's power and sovereignty on earth and gave themselves over to evil . And the generations in the last days disregarding this fact, according to Peter, would still continues to imitate ways if ungodly men, even up to the day of Christ's return.
Hence, God has reserved this current wicked civilization for destruction by fire from heaven and from the nuclear bombs He cause to be created for this purpose in the final judgement; because of their sins against Him ( Zep. 3:8, Rev. 17:16,17,18). According the the scriptures Christ will return to make war against them and with fire will he to punish them. And at the end of the war God will cause his all enemies, who doubt Him and refuse His truth, to destroy themselves by their own hands  via their nuclear bombs.
Furthermore, regarding the length of time, God states that time is actually shorter than we think- in fact one thousand years in human time is only a day in heaven . Peter does not want us, who believe, to be ignorant of this crucial fact. Because we  too can become cynical like these wicked people who doubt God, due to the length of time that has past without the revelation of His holy kingdom and so rebel. But, this is actually due to a  lack of understanding of God's measurement of time.  Human history is very short when comparing to time in heaven . For example, it has only been two days in heaven since Jesus Christ completed his ministry on earth and approximately two thousand years on earth. In heaven time is moving faster than on earth. Hence, why the prophets and apostles say repeatedly that Christ is returning soon.
Now with this understanding,  we can understand the context of 2 Peter 3:9 and it's saying- "the Lord is not slack concerning his promise." Time is moving rapidly in heaven, moving ever closer to the fulfillment of all God's prophecies. We must understand that God is the master of all time and has determined the set times for all His prophecies to come to past on earth, even the end of this civilization and the new world He has promised to bring into existence for all His faithful saints as a reward( Matt. 5:5,10, Micah 4:8, Dan. 7:27). His promises will come to pass regardless if we doubt or feel it's been to long and therefor it wont happen ( Luke 12:45-46).
God is not negligent in this matter of establishing His kingdom. He has moved time and history steadily along towards it's establishment. He prophesied to Adam that His Messiah would come to redeem all the faithful people that believed in Him and judge this world, and gather all things to Him( His divine Kingdom) ( Gen. 3:15, 49:10-12). God, also told Noah that He would no more destroy the earth with water again. But revealed to His prophets that the final judgement  would be with fire( Gen. 9:8-11, Is. 13:9-11, Zep. 3:8). And again, He prophesied that He would take a people for Himself out of the coming judgement, just as He did with Noah and his family-He will save a remnant. These are His faithful people, who would turn from sin and evil and believe on Him through His Messiah, Jesus of Nazareth(Gen. 9:26, 12:1-3, Gal. 3:8-9). Therefore, time is used as a tool by God for His purposes and as an opportunity for His people to draw closer to Him through the process of repentance from the rebellion that is in the world through wickedness.
The fact that the end has not come yet is actually a sign of God's patience or long-suffering towards His people (states in the above scripture), who would return to God. These people know that something is not right in the world, that there must be a better way for a man to live instead of cheating, lying stealing murdering, and being consumed with only their own selfish desires; because God has put in their heart to desire righteousness and justice. They can feel it, through God, that there must be something better than  this current world order. However, they may not have full truth of God  yet found in the holy scriptures( Is. 60:2, Eph. 2:1-5). They too are susceptible to being seduced by false teachings about God and His word.  But, the gradual progression of time and history will bring forth God's true teachers to help restore his saints to the true path( Rev. 14:1,4-6, Matt. 24:14). And this also is according to the prophecy ( Rom. 10:14-15, Jer. 3:15, Jer. 23:3-4).  But many with doubt, out of ignorance and pride, regarding the prophecies. But know for certain that  the end will surely come just as it prophesied to come in the day's of Noah ( 1 Thess. 5:1-2, Matt. 24:37).

2 Peter 3:10

How will the last judgement or day of the Lord come? Suddenly, says the scripture, like a thief in the night. The prophecy states that most of mankind would be so consumed in their own pursuits of power, pleasures, wars, godlessness, and survival in the last days that they will become convince that there is no God or even the  hope of His coming kingdom( Matt. 24:37-39, 2 Tim. 3:1-4, 2 Thess. 2:11-12, 1 Thess. 5:3). Nevertheless, it will surely arrive at it's appointed time according to the word of God. Because man's disbelief will not make the faithfulness of God to fail(Rom. 3:3-4, 2 Tim. 2:13, Heb.10:35-39).
This great judgement of God will be with fire and not water or the flood as He told Noah. This fire will be so intense that everything will melt before it-the very elements will melt, saya the above scripture.
But, is this judgement  referring to the entire globe being on fire or a specific place of judgement? A  set place of judgement is what is determined for this great demonstration of God's wrath with fire. However, the rest of the world will be afflicted with wars, plagues, and famines at that time. But  the place of fiery judgement is Babylon the Great.  Because she is the little horn that came out of the fourth beast in Daniel 7: 7-8, and would lead the whole earth into an uprising against God and Christ( Dan. 7:25, 2 Thess. 2:3-4, Rev. 18:2-3).  She will deceive them into believing the lie that they are capable of overthrowing God and His angels. Therefore, God has reserved her to be burned and show all His great power and wrath in her(Rom. 9:22, Deut. 32;39-42).
This little horn, the great Babylon, is America, who came out of the fourth beast or fourth world empire and is a remnant of the Greco-Roman empire. However, her rebellion against God will not be  successful. Because Christ will return to make war with her and all her duped allies and overcome them at the battle of Armageddon ( Dan. 7:9-12, Is. 66:15-16, Matt. 13:49-50, Rev. 19:19-21).  After this, the Bible states that the allies of the Beast will turn and burn America according to the intent of God, who has put it into their minds to burn her with fire- nuclear bombs (Rev. 17:16-17, Obadiah 1:7, 18).
As for the rest of the earth, God states the nations and kingdoms that are left who followed the beast will be brought under the authority of Christ( 1 Cor. 15:24-25). And at that time they learn the true way to righteousness and not the lies taught them by the Beast and the Devil, their spiritual ruler ( Dan. 7:12, Is. 60:3, Zech. 14:16-18, Is. 2:1-4, Rev. 21:24-27) ( Acts 26:16-18, 2 Tim. 2:25-26, Rev. 18:2-3). Also, this coming kingdom of God will be administered from Jerusalem in the land of Israel, where the throne of Chris and the kingdom of his holy people Israel will be established( Matt. 19:27-28, Luke 22:28-30, Acts 1:6, Rev. 1:5-6,7, Ezekiel 37:27-28). The current world as we know it will be brought to an end according to the word of God in due time- which is coming faster than we all think.

2 Peter 3:11
So then, how should we, who believe and trust in the word of God, having understanding of the coming visitation and final judgement of God, live in the last days? We should live in a holy manner at all times! Holiness is defined as living in obedience to God's laws, instruction, and commandments with faith in Him and in His word. In seeking  to live in obedience to God, we purify ourselves from sin and the evil that it produces in us (Col. 3:5-6, 1 John 3:2-6, John 15:3).
We should continually strive to live a holy life before God and Christ, while we wait on His arrival. This means we should endeavor to live in a pure and righteous way among our fellow believers and even among those that don't believe yet( 1 Peter 2:11-12, Matt. 5:14-16, Phil. 2:12-15). In the end we all will come to the obedience and acknowledgement of the one true God and His Messiah( 1 Tim. 2:4-6, Is. 66;23, Rev. 21:23-24). We, who know God, should be examples of God's light and holiness in world. Our life then becomes a demonstration of our obedience to the word and instructions of God. And not only this but our obedience helps us to escape the destruction that is coming to the world because of it's sin and wicked rebellion from God.  It is our obedience and faith that  gives us hope to endure unto the new world God has prepared for His people that followed Him.
We are taught in the writings of the prophets, Christ, and the apostles to constantly endure in the love of each others, especially as the time of the end draws closer.  We love each others when we practice His laws among ourselves out of a sincere heart ( 2 John 1:5-6). This is encouraged because it is actually a sign that we are the children of God ( John 13:34-35). And as His children, we are to carry out His laws with  mercy and truth towards each others( Romans 13:8-10, John 1:17, 2 Tim. 2:25-26). We should strive to practice abstinence  form telling lies to each others( especially teaching false religions and doctrines), murder, robbery, adultery, and the lusting after worldliness, or any other wicked thing that is in apposition to God's holy law or word( 1 Tim. 1:8-11).
God directly commands His people to be holy, as he is holy( 1 Peter 1:15-16, Lev. 11:45, Matt. 5:48). To do as He does.  We are to be pure and upright before Him at all times, just as He is at all times. We are to follow the examples God gave us in the records He left us and in the lives of all His holy saints noted in the holy scriptures (John 13:15-17, Heb. 6:11-12, 1 Cor. 4:16, Phil. 3:14-17). This is our model to patterns our lives after that we be inspired  unto holiness ( 1 Cor. 10:11, John 8:39, Gen. 18:17-19).
We must read and study the Bible to learn what God expects of us, if we hope to follow Him truly unto holiness and to return to Him with all our hearts( Rom. 15:4, Rev. 22:10, Eph. 3:4, Is. 33:5-6). We will have to add to our faith by study, knowledge, wisdom, and understanding, self-control, godliness, and the love of our people Israel and all who fear God according to this gospel( 2:Tim. 2:15, 2 Peter 1:5-8). This is what is required of us if we hope to be transformed into his holy image; to be a reflection of His goodness(Col. 3:9-10, Eph. 4:23-24).
We know that this world is temporary and all the great cities and riches found in it will all fade away along with those that do evil. Therefore, we do not put our hope in this world, but strive rather to please God instead. Because it is His purpose and will that  will endure beyond this present world. So then, we distance ourselves from the wicked in every way and cling to the only true hope in this world: Yahawah, the Most High.

I pray and hope that these scriptures, and the revelation God has given me regarding them may be of some help to you on your journey with God and Christ.
I hope and pray also, that this little contribution to all the believers would increase the knowledge and understanding we get out of the Holy scriptures so that unity of faith would come to us all, just as Christ and the apostles stated and hoped for us, saying, "till we all come to the unity of the faith(John 17:20-21, Eph. 4:11-13, Ezekiel 37:15-17)."


Monday, April 13, 2020


Bless my hands
that they may write for you
Bless my lips
that they may speak for you
Bless my mind
that it's meditations and cognition may be of the holy
Bless my feet
that they may walk over mountains and hills
for you
And take these arms and make them strong
that they may fight for you
and do glorious things for you in battle
Bless my heart
that it may be like a lion for you
Bless, O God, and uphold me
in all I do in honor of your holy name: Yahawah.


Never Alone

All of you will go your own way
and leave me all alone (John 16:32)
Yet, I am not alone
My enemies gathered together
and cast me far from my borders( Joel 3:6)
all alone
Yet, I am not alone
I was once surrounded
by empires, full of multitudes
to the north and south
from the east to the distant west
Jews, devout men, out of every nation under heaven( Acts 2:5)
But now that is all gone
and I am all alone
Yet, I am not alone
Lord, they hunt our steps
and pursue me upon every mountain
I am taken in their pit and left all alone( Lam. 4:18-19)
Yet, Faith tells me and teaches me
and I know I am not alone
You will never leave me
You are always with me
Psalm 139: 7,8,9,10


Sunday, April 12, 2020

Standing Alone

I want to share a breakdown with all who call on the name of the God of Israel and especially for those who desire to be stewards of the Most High-you who dedicate yourself to feeding His flock and being am example to them.

Jeremiah 15:15-21
This passage of scripture is timely for today's resurrected Israelites and those of you from the nations whom God has given the gift of faith to hear and believe. I will give a summary and meaning of each verse as we go, with some reference scriptures to help support each verse.

Jer. 15:15

This is the universal cry of all believers who are not afraid of persecution for their faith in the Most High.The wicked people, and the demonic forces that rule them, hate the children of God because of who and what they are. They are the exact opposite of everything they are. One is upright, the other is lowly, one is holy, while the other is evil. Because of this there is constant friction and war between them-there is no unity between the children of God and the children of the Devil ( Amos 3:3).
The holy people have a moral compass(the laws/word of God) that guides them to know what is right from what is wrong. The wicked believe that they are their own moral compass and whatever they feel is right or wrong is correct. They trust in the deceit of their own wicked minds (Prov. 28:26, Ps. 14:1). Therefore, in their world anything is acceptable, as long as you don't get caught or oppose someone else  from living like this(Romans 1:32). A good example of this is their redefining of marriage as a union between two males or two females, verses between a male and a female as God said from the beginning. And if you appose this view, you are considered intolerable, hateful, and a law breaker. they make wickedness legal and acceptable in their world.
The wicked hate God, his standards, and  fight against any who follow Him.
The wicked are in the majority now however while God's people are the minorities, whom they hated and oppressed due to their obedience to God. Because of this, the prophet Jeremiah, foreseeing the state of the people of God, prayed to God(who sees and knows all that is happening on earth) and  requested  God to remembers him and those like him, who through faith and courage stood up for the truth of His word. And that He would visit and avenge all the wrong that they have suffered unjustly because of their faith in Him. Furthermore, he requested of God that he would not delay his judgement too long or before he dies. This is a reasonable desire from a human perspective, as we have but so long to be here on earth before we die. And if you are a lover of justice, as all the saints of God are, you will desire to see the judgement on those that do evil and hurt in the earth (Ps. 14:7). But, God is not a man that he should be partial to any injustice(Eccl. 3:14-15, Eccl. 8:6). He has set all time and events in a set order for His divine purpose. Therefore, we can rest assured that the judgement of the wicked, though it may not come in our own lifetime, will come at the time God has intended. Also, time is actually used by God,in all His wisdom, to gather His faithful people and to grant them opportunity for repentance as they return to Him from the lies of the wicked and sin ( 2 Peter 3:9,10, Prov. 12:26).
 God, according to scripture, will avenge all the wrongs done to the righteous; for vengeance belongs to Him (Romans 12:19, Matt. 18:6,7). And knowing this actually gives the saints patience and courage to endure the rebukes and attacks of the wicked( Romans 8:35-39). Yet, the wicked shall not escape the judgement of God.

Jer. 15:16

The words of God was and is made known to His people by God( Deut. 29:29, Is. 59:21). The Holy spirit of God gives his people the understanding of the word(John 14:26). The Holy Bible is the compilation of all that God has spoken on the earth to His holy people. The word is the nourishment of every cell and DNA of the saints of God- it feeds and strengthens them. And they seek out the understanding and meaning of all that is written in it by reading and study so that it may become a part of them. They eat the word or study it day and night ( Ps. 1:1-2). It empowers them daily and strengthens them from generation to generation, because it brings comfort, hope, and the wisdom  to understand the times they live in (Romans 15:4, 1 Cor. 10:11, Is 33:6).
The word of God also restores our remembrance of who we are as a people. It reveals to us our true identity as the children of Israel, the people call by His name. In fact, the name Israel in Hebrew means- He is the Prince of God- we are literally called by His name.
It is a biblical prophecy and historical fact that the wicked of the nations would come and destroy the country, history, and national identity of the Hebrew Israelites people both in the old world(Jerusalem and all the middle east, Africa, and Europe), and in the Americas. This was foretold by all the prophets in the Bible, due to the sins of the people of Israel and the utter hatred of the wicked for God's people. But in the end, the prophecy states,  God would come again and grant them favor and a spiritual and physical resurrection from all the lands they had been taken as captives (Deut. 30:1-10, Rom. 11:25, 1,2).  And we can see this happening around the world today with the rise of the Hebrew Israelite movements in many countries as they are reclaiming their lost heritage in God and Christ. Also, there is a remnant from among the nations, according to scriptures, that will be graphed into this sheepfold of Christ, many of whom are trapped in lies and fake religions around the world, with the chief impostor religion being today's Christianity. The Christianity of today is a false identity built around tricky theology and the cunning craftiness of evil men who twist the word of God and make it into a lie( Romans 1:18,25, Matt. 24:4-5, 2 Thess. 2:8-12 ). Those of the nations trapped in these lies are also, like the lost Isrealites, lost to their true identity as fellow citizens of the commonwealth of Israel and members of the family of God . It is the true word of God only that will, in due time, reveal this truth to all humanity ( 1 Tim. 2:5-6, Is 56:6,7).

Jer. 15:17

The righteous separate themselves form the wicked and choose rather to sit alone. Because they know that it is the will of God for His people in saving them from the lies and the judgement coming( James 4:4, Rom. 8:6-7). They also understand that to be joined with the wicked is to learn their ways, which leads to a separation from God( 2 Cor. 6:14-18). And to be apart from God is to be worthy of His wrath and judgement ( Zeph. 2:1-3, Matt. 13:49-50). Furthermore, the lifestyles and decrees of the wicked are vexing to the spirit and dignity of a saint of God (2 Peter 2:6-7). He is angry with their culture and society everyday(Ps. 119:104).

Jer.15: 18

Who is the prophet talking about here?
He is talking about Israel as a people in a state of revolted against their God. They in turn bring perpetual pain upon themselves by rejecting the laws and commandments of God. The captivity and the oppression that they suffer is predicated on this one thing. It's not because of being Black, Indian, or Hispanic-why, even these names are a part of the curse: Moses said, we would become byword and a proverb. The nations would not call us by our true name, but by a fake name and a fake nationality- Black is a color not a nation or people.  Our current condition and pain is directly related to our position with God. And until the day Israel comes to this understanding, they will never be healed; never escape the oppression, social degradation, and political exploitation they now experience among all the nations God has scattered them to. The despair seemed so hopeless that Jeremiah asked God if  the prophecies of Israel's redemption will ever come to pass? This is because most of the Israelites, sadly, will reject this hope God has given them in His word. They, like their rebellious ancestors with Moses, will choose this world instead of the world God is promising them in His word.  But, thankfully, there is a remnant that will choose God over this world, just as there was a remnant in Moses's time (Romans 11:5, John 10:26-27, Zeph. 3:13-20).

Jer 15:19

God's reply- If you, Israel, will return to God according to His word, then He will restore you to your homeland and kingdom, and your kingdom will stand before God for eternity (Lev. 26:40-45, Rev.18:4, Mark 1:14-15, Dan 7:27). And to the prophet( His stewards and shepherds He sends), He says-Take the precious, His royal priesthood and holy nation in Christ,  from among the vile- the wicked, the unbelievers, and the rebellious that refuse to return(2 Tim. 2:1-2). Let the awakened Israelite prophet, God says, go and share this gospel to the lost sheep of Israel and all who are destine for life by God's divine purpose(Jer. 3:12-15, Acts 13:46-49). The lost Israelites must return to the truth taught by God's prophets and not the opposite- the prophet, following the darkness and ignorance that the people are in(Matt. 5:20, 1 John 2:15-19). This is why Peter tells the elders of the church to be examples to the flock of God and not to do like all the poverty pimps, hustlers, and lairs are doing and have done for generations; doing evil and lording it over the people. This type follow the darkness that they condemn( 1 Peter 5:3, Romans 2:1). They are not the prophets of God but of their own wicked hearts (Jer. 23:21-22,16).

Jer 15:20

God's reply- They will persecute the prophets of God, but He will strengthen all their defenses, like a wall made of brass that cannot be broken down(Matt. 10:22-23, John 15:20-21, Is. 40:31, Rev. 11:5, Ps. 18:32-37). They will be able to endure because God will be with them to the end of this world by His holy Spirit that he has given them and by the power of His Christ( Matt. 28:19-20, John 14:15-17, I John 2:27, Acts 10:42-43, Acts 5:31-32, Matt. 10:22-23).

Jer. 15:21

God's reply- God will deliver his prophets and His people from the wicked- the spiritual demon Satan and all his angels, who are men devoted to his wickedness; composed both of the nations and of the wicked Israelites that refuse to obey God and His Christ, Yahawashi of Nazareth. God will redeem His people out of the hand of the terrible, which is the fourth beast or world empire that will arise in the earth. This is the last kingdom of the nations that is called the terrible by God, because of the power and pride of his might. Daniel saw this last world power in a vision in the first beast, the kingdom of Babylon( Dan. 7:7-8). It had seven heads and ten horns. It possessed military might, technology that seemed miraculous, and a propensity for blood, devouring nation after nation  and any man or woman that dare challenge it's will.
This great beast or empire started with the Roman empire, which devoured and broke the whole earth into pieces. The Romans conquered the whole Mediterranean world and beyond. They subdued nation after nation with great slaughter and political sagacity, which they call the Pax Romana: the Roman Peace. The earth became quiet before them.
This beast continued through the ages in it's birth place of Europe, going dormant for a time during the middle ages and being born again if 1492 with the rise of one of it's evil heads- Spain. Eventually all it's heads began their own journeys to dominance again- France, Britain, Germany, Russia, Italy, the Dutch and the Scandinavians all had their path to becoming world powers again since 1492.
 But, the most deadly of all theses powers was the little horn that came out of Britain: America.
She too destroyed wonderfully according to the prophets, both at her birth and unto the end of days. It is She that sat upon the back of the beast, the united European nations, according to prophecy and became drunk on the blood of the holy people of God- The awaken Israelites and all from the nations that believe God according to this gospel (Rev. 17:3-6). Daniel with all the prophets saw and told of her great slaughter that is coming, saying it would be the worst time ever on earth since God created mankind ( Daniel 12:1, Deut. 32:27-29, Jer. 30:7). Christ, too foretold of these last days, saying, that if they were not cut short all humanity would die or none left. Therefore, God did cut it short to three and a half years, as stated in the book of Matthew, Revelation, and Daniel ( Matt. 24:22, Rev. 13:1,5-7, Dan. 8:23-25, Dan. 12:1). God, in the person of Yahawshi will come and invade the earth with his millions upon millions of angels in the end to fight the final beast and redeem His holy people that believed and endured with Him out of the hands of the wicked and the terrible(Jer. 30:10-11, Is. 63:1-6, Rev. 19:11-21, Acts 14:22).

I hope that this breakdown or explanations of the Holy scriptures lead you to greater understanding
of God's word and prepares you for the times to come. I hope it gives you faith and courage to endure to the end with God and Christ.

This song  has a powerful message to encourage all of us to choose God's way and not the way of this world, even if it means we must stand alone. Let us who fear God return to Him in truth with all our heart and soul.
