Wednesday, April 26, 2023

What's in your heart?

 If we forget

And we wonder off

If we allow our souls to be taken

What will remain

What will be in your heart

If we ignore who we are and wonder off

And let our souls be taken

What will remain

A broken heart and a broken spirit 

A body without a soul or a spirit(James 2:26)

And that's not living(Proverbs 18:14)


Psalm 51:10-11


 By the Urim and the Thummim

Let the priest communicate with God

With the breastplate of judgement on his heart continually(Ex. 28:30)

Let the light of God shine on him

And the vision appear upon the stones of light

Telling what is to be shortly

So man will fear God and confess that He is Lord.
