Sunday, April 20, 2014

April to March


Days, weeks, months, go by

The years come and go, adding up to this time and that future time ( Ecc. 1:4-5)

Yet, you, Lord, are always the same ( Heb. 13:8)

I change, I go thru changes

Yet, you are always the same (Mal. 3:6)

Today, I'm up as if all were possible

Tomorrow, I feel so low, as though there is no hope (Lam. 4:1-2)

Yet, you are always the same

I play the clown and laugh, but my heart within is so sad ( Prov. 14:10)

When will I get to that Place where you are? ( Rev. 3:21)

That where you be, I may be also (John 14:2-3)

Always the same

How many changes must we go thru? ( Dan. 9:7)

With you, without you, in our own land, out of our land
Scattered in all directions,
wandering among the Nations

bondmen, Freedmen, Black men, Indians, Afro-American, Hispanic,

Christians, Muslims, academician, integrationist, separatist,

Nationalist, stargazers, seekers of the gods of this world

When will you make it plain and bring it to an end? (Hos. 5:15)

When will we be the same again? ( Heb. 2:11)

Dwelling in the light and before the light that transcends

even the rays of the sun ( Rev. 21:23)

If you will, I know, I can be changed for eternity ( I Cor. 15:51)

Yet, says the prophet

“ there is time, and times, and dividing of times (Dan. 12:7)”

But you, Lord, are always the same ( Heb. 1:12)

All the days of my life will I Wait and Hope ( Lam. 3:21-23)

Because you are always the same,

You change not

You are the Everlasting God ( Num. 23:19, Gen. 21:33)

Your promises are sure

To those that endure to the end in Faith ( Isaiah 40: 28-31)

To them that wait upon you

Even so, Return, Emmanuel ( Matt. 1:23, Rev. 22:20)


Fear Not Little Flock:

Luke 12:32



Tuesday, April 8, 2014

Message to the Israelite Grass Roots

Greetings, brothers and sisters:

The new year is upon us once again as Passover approaches. It is a time of reflection on where we have come from and what we have to look forward to. The Passover season is a time to consider the hope we have in the Most High and His faithfulness in keeping His word. It is also a time for us to examine ourselves and see what we truly are about in our walk with the Lord: Yahawah; are we continuing in His word? Are we abiding with his Son, Yashwah-the Christ? Are we walking in love to our fellow Israelites? Are we patient with those that don't see the light? Are we living in such a way that those who don't know God may come to know him by our moderation and self-discipline in his wisdom? Are we sharing his word as it is written in the Holy Scriptures? Are we hoping for the world of Israel to come by Christ, our Prince and Savior? Are we more attached to this world and the things in it, or do we separate ourselves from it's evils? Are we living like the chosen generation, that royal priesthood, the holy nation, that peculiar people who shine in the midst of darkness? Or are we like that people who don't know their God, that people who don't consider the works of their God? I pray that none of you fall short of the hope we have in Christ, by our Father: the Great I AM.
And for those of you who have the high office of teaching God's word to the people, I pray you will remember your duty to God and the people as stated in Isaiah 62: 6-7. The Lord has set you as watchmen on the Walls of Jerusalem to warn the people and herald the Gospel. The Lord has instructed you to never hold your peace, even in the midst of confusion and despair. The prophets of the Lord are to Never Keep Silent, no matter the situation inside the temple or out in the streets: Preach, give God's message no rest, till He establish, and till he make Jerusalem a praise in the Earth. Remember, brethren, God is not a man that he should lie; what he said he will do, he will do. For Jacob, says the Lord, is the world that shall follow after this world is long gone from the scene.

Have a Blessed Passover in your congregations and in your homes, and Rejoice in the Hope we have in the Lord.



Saturday, April 5, 2014

How the Mind Works

Greeting, brothers and sisters:
I pray that God is perfecting your faith in Him by Christ our King.

I would like to share with you a pearl of wisdom revealed to me as I studied the holy scriptures. It is in regard to how the human mind operates and interprets the world around it and how this compares to the mind of God. In I Samuel 16:7, we read of the process of selecting a new king over Israel by God from among the sons of Jesse-the father of David. This verse is key in gaining an insight into the human mind. It reveals what we focus on; and therefore direct our motivations and actions towards. According to this verse man looks at the outward appearances first in making decisions. He considers the physical dimension of a thing or person in this matter first. He first looks at the massiveness of the armies in battle to consider engaging the enemy, the grandeur of the Mansion or house to determine its wealth, the sleekness and style of the new car before purchasing it, or the beauty of the woman to select her for his wife. All these things are perceived by the eyes first, which informs the mind on what to focus on.   The mind then moves our emotions, thoughts, and lips to speak certain words, and our hands and feet to take specific actions towards our focus. The prophet Samuel-who was a man like you and I, saw the height, built, and nobleness of Jesse's sons and was convince that each of them could have been the Lord's anointed. He saw the outward appearance first and drew his conclusion. This happens to us daily also in our technological mass media society, with it's internet, T.V., satellite radio, and movies. They have keyed in on how our minds work and bombard us with images constantly knowing that they will send a certain message to us to act in the way they want us to. Why do you think, they couple a pretty girl and a luxury car together in commercials? Because they know a man will be attracted to both and if they show this image to him often and long enough he will equate having a nice care with getting the pretty girl. But usually what happens is that he ends up in debt because he brought a car he couldn't really afford. We shouldn't let this happen to us. We should follow God's example and go deeper than the surface level appearances. In the verse above, God use Samuels experience to teach him and us a critical lesson in how we should control our own minds by following Him. For he said to Samuel, "the Lord sees not as man sees..." God goes beyond mere physical appearance. He looks at the heart of man; he considers what the thoughts, intentions, feeling, and what the motivation of a man is first, not what he looks like or portrays himself to be. God's mind functions on a higher plane than man. But we are able, according to Christ, to judge righteous judgment and not by appearances only( John7:24). This righteous judgment, which is based on the laws and commandments of God, is able to supersede our initial reaction to the outward world and allow us to examine people and things on a deeper level. Understanding how the mind works is key in helping us avoid errors and temptations that would take us off our course to a holy life in Christ.


May God bless you and Keep you till we meet again
