Sunday, April 20, 2014

April to March


Days, weeks, months, go by

The years come and go, adding up to this time and that future time ( Ecc. 1:4-5)

Yet, you, Lord, are always the same ( Heb. 13:8)

I change, I go thru changes

Yet, you are always the same (Mal. 3:6)

Today, I'm up as if all were possible

Tomorrow, I feel so low, as though there is no hope (Lam. 4:1-2)

Yet, you are always the same

I play the clown and laugh, but my heart within is so sad ( Prov. 14:10)

When will I get to that Place where you are? ( Rev. 3:21)

That where you be, I may be also (John 14:2-3)

Always the same

How many changes must we go thru? ( Dan. 9:7)

With you, without you, in our own land, out of our land
Scattered in all directions,
wandering among the Nations

bondmen, Freedmen, Black men, Indians, Afro-American, Hispanic,

Christians, Muslims, academician, integrationist, separatist,

Nationalist, stargazers, seekers of the gods of this world

When will you make it plain and bring it to an end? (Hos. 5:15)

When will we be the same again? ( Heb. 2:11)

Dwelling in the light and before the light that transcends

even the rays of the sun ( Rev. 21:23)

If you will, I know, I can be changed for eternity ( I Cor. 15:51)

Yet, says the prophet

“ there is time, and times, and dividing of times (Dan. 12:7)”

But you, Lord, are always the same ( Heb. 1:12)

All the days of my life will I Wait and Hope ( Lam. 3:21-23)

Because you are always the same,

You change not

You are the Everlasting God ( Num. 23:19, Gen. 21:33)

Your promises are sure

To those that endure to the end in Faith ( Isaiah 40: 28-31)

To them that wait upon you

Even so, Return, Emmanuel ( Matt. 1:23, Rev. 22:20)


Fear Not Little Flock:



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