Friday, April 1, 2016

Judaea Capta: Captive Jerusalem

Lord, remember what has

become of your holy city

Look down from heaven and see

She is divided among the nations:

A portion for this nation and that nation

To the man from Poland a portion

To the man from Italy a portion

To the man from Ethiopia a portion

A portion for the Turks

A portion for the Ishmaelites

A portion for the Greeks

Some for the descendants of Ham

Some for this one and that one

They all sit in houses and rejoice in your Land

While we your sons and daughters

are scattered to the four winds

Jerusalem is desolate

She sits a Captive among the Nations

Lord, Remember what is become of us

Nobody remembers us

Look and See

for she whom you have loved

From everlasting

has become a slave to all Nations

No one seeks her comfort

But all seek their own

Lord, don't be angry with us forever

Come and wipe away all our tears

Restore us to our Mother: Jerusalem

Make her a praise in all the earth once again

Create new heavens and a new earth

and remove all that offends



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