Saturday, June 24, 2017

Two Cities

There is one City

full of all things:

Hate, violence, schemes,

Gossips, slander, accusations,

Intoxicating highs, and lies,

Random acts of violence,

Uncertain safety, fast cars,


And the talk of evil men

that lurk in secret places

for easy victims

at home or abroad.

It is a City where guns, knives,

And weapons of mass destruction

are a way of life,

and the illusion of abundance.

Some people call this

Peace and Liberty.

Dark clouds hover

over this City.


Then there is a City

Well ordered, in a valley,

Vast and Expanding into the horizon.

  It is quiet.

The people walk about freely.

They go about their endeavors,

Laboring to build and create;

Caring for the people of the City,

Caring for the trees, the rivers,

The hillside and all the creatures

Who live there.

Violence is not heard of in this City.

There is a calm like at dusk that hovers

Over this City.

All things flow together in this City,

Like a pleasant river on its way to the blue sea.

The light of this City is different also,

Not like the light of the sun,

It is a sunless light, a pure light.

The people of this city rejoice

As they walk

In this light that is over them.


You see- they knew the City they

Once escaped from, with its promises

Of freedom and abundance

Only to be disillusioned by the pain

They felt every day when they lived there.

But, Now is a New Time.

Read all of Psalm 48- and see the Glory of our God





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