To walk in a spiritual way means that every moment of our lives is captured by this desire. All your thoughts, all your words, and all your actions are filtered by the spirit of God; nothing is taken for granted.
Your daily life is the sum of your spirit-man or spiritual life. What we do and say will eventually cement our character and our very essence. Therefore, great thought and contemplation must be placed on the choices we make in order to reach the ability to walk in the spirit and stay in the spirit.
To help us achieve this, God has left us a Book of instructions to guide our steps in our life's journey. In it are laws, judgements, wisdom, counsel, and examples of men and women to reflect on and gain insight into what works and doesn't work for one seeking to live and walk in the spirit of God.
If applied these instructions and laws eventually will lead to a life well lived coupled with the hope of immortality, which God has promised to all his faithful followers who choose this path.
To walk in the spirit is a choice we must make everyday while denying the desire do the very opposite. We must follow the instructions of Christ, who said, "If any man will come after me, let him deny himself, and take up his cross (the constant struggle to do good in the midst of evil and temptation), and follow me. (Matt. 16:24)"
To walk in the spirit VS. the flesh:
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