Sunday, August 18, 2024

The Sabbath

 Why are the sabbath days so important to those of us returning to the Most High God and reclaiming our heritage?

The word sabbath means to rest. In the Hebrew culture the sabbath is not just a day of rest from our labors, but it is an essential part of being a true prince of God or an Israelite. Becaue it is a day dedicated to our God, the Creator of all things; a time to remember and honor him: the great I Am: Yahawah. It is also a day that distinguishes us as his chosen people.

There are many sabbaths that were given to the nation of Israel by God.  The high holy days or yearly feast days are all considered  sabbaths of rest and a time to worship  God, the Creator.

 The weekly sabbath is the most common and recognized sabbath celebration.  It begins at sundown Friday evening and goes till Saturday evening sundown. This sabbath is the most ancient sabbath celebration.  It was instituted on the seventh day of creation, when God ended his works of making the earth and the universe with all the living creatures, including man. He proclaimed seventh day as the sabbath -a day to be honored as holy for all his creation to eternity. This  is because it is a memorial of God's great acts and sovereignty as the Father of all things. 

Adam, the first created man, and the people with him knew this law of God and obeyed it in keeping the sabbath. But, man fell into disobedience to God's laws and commands. They forsook the sabbath and all of God's laws unto their own hurt and to God's warth for their sins. Only Noah, one of righteous desendants of Adam, was found upright before God, by his continued obedience to the Father. He and his family were rescued from the great flood of God that brought an end to man's first great civilization because of their evil in forsaking God. 

The survivors of the flood, Noah and his family, walked in the commandments intially, preforming holy sacrifices unto God; and we can deduce, observed the seventh day sabbath, which Noah and his family were not ignorant of.  But, with time, their generations again lost their way from God. They looked to the son of Cush, Nimrod, who became their Lord and king in place of God. They even believed that he was able to contend with the universal God from the heavens, who destroyed their ancestors for their sins. Thus, they conspired against God to become one people under Nimrod and to forsake God's laws and sabbath.

However,  from among them, God had already chosen a holy man that loved him and obeyed him: Abraham. And through Abraham and unto Moses, the Father reestablish the righteous order in the earth again with a people that are called by his name: the children of Israel ( for the name Israel means, "He is a prince of Yahawah  ").

Unto the children of Israel, He spoke through the fire and the thick darkness, saying, "Remember the sabbath day, to keep it holy( Ex. 20:8)."

"And the Lord spake unto Moses, saying,

Speak thou also unto the children of Israel, saying, Verily my sabbaths ye shall keep: for it is a sign between me and you throughout your generations; that ye may know that I am the Lord that doth sanctify you (Ex. 31:12,13)."

To the Israelites, from then till now, the sabbaths of God are a continual sign or symbolic representation of our unending covenant with the one true God. They demonstrate that we are His people, and he is our God by our fiath towards Him. The sabbaths also declare that God is and He through his divine power has chosen Israel to be his people on earth, whom he gave his laws to with all his holy sabbaths. AMEN.

Spoiler alert:

Sunday is not the seventh day sabbath of God. It is an ancient holy day of the pagans of Mesopotamia adopted by the Greeks and Romans in celebration of the Invincible Sun god -"Sol Envitus". Who by the way is Nimrod, the first king of all nations after the flood.

The early Roman Catholic church under the Roman emperor Constatine at the synod on Nicene, officially change the true seventh day sabbath to Sunday. This was done in an effort to blend or synchronize the Roman Sunday worship of Sol Envitus with Christ, and to convert more pagans to the new state religion of Christianity. (Also, interstingly, the birth day of this sun god is December 25th, which was celebrated with banquets, celebrations, and the giving of gifts- doesn't this sounds a lot like Christmas...hmm?  Because, it is. This is another pagan adoption passing as Christian.)

Another key point to consider is the fact that at this time the early church was divided, not only on doctrine, but on the continuation of obedience to Jewish laws and traditions that was maintained in many churches established by the 12 apostles; who were Hebrews, and who were followers of the Hebrew or Jewish messiah, Jesus of Nazareth.

The churches in the East at this time still maintained the biblical sabbath and the passover feast in accordance with the Jewish sacred calendar. The churches in the west or Europe wanted to distant themselves from anything Jewish or that may seem to be Jewish- the sabbath and passover being two key Jewish holy days they wished to remove.  This is because of the traditional hatred of the pagans of the Jews for their chosen people status in the ancient world and their jealousy of them.

In the 300s AD starting with Constantine and synods, the Western churches achieved their goal, with Sunday eventually replacing the sabbath and the pagan fertility godess Ashter celebration-Easter, replacing the passover holy day.

These acts are a direct assault and affront to God, the Father, His holy laws, and Christ,  the son of God. It is an act of rebellion and the arrogance of wicked men, whose lies and evil intent, as time and history has shown, will come to an end.

This, then, is why God has put in the scriptures, that his people will be recognized by the keeping of his sabbaths as commanded in the law from that time till now. It also marks a clear difference between His people and those who are not.

Therefore, brothers and sisters, let us show to the world that we are the true people of God, the children of Israel,  by our obedience,  by our faith, in keeping the sabbaths of the Lord as he commanded us to do throughout all our generations.

By the way,  Christ, was known in his time on earth to be a adamant adherent of keeping the sabbaths of the Lord (if some were wondering or had any doubts)

Luke 4:16

"And he came to Nazareth, where he had been brought up: and, as his custom was, he went into the synagogue on the sabbath day, and stood up for to read."

Mark 1:21

"And they went into Capernaum; and straightway on the sabbath day he entered into the synagogue, and taught. "

John 7:2, 14, 37, 38

V. 2 " Now the Jews' feast ( a sabbath of the Lord) of tabernacles was at hand."

V.14 "Now about the midst of the feast Jesus went up into the temple, and taught. "

V.37 "In the last day, that great day of the feast( a sabbath), Jesus stood and cried, saying, If any man thirst, let him come unto me, and drink."

V.38 " He that believe on me, as the scripture hath said, out of his belly shall flow rivers of living water."


Trust in the scriptures and do as God and Christ commanded us, O Israel-depart from false religions and the doctrines of evil men.  keep the sabbaths of our God: Yahawah. 

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