Saturday, February 8, 2025


 Why do men go back to the old ways again, only to be enslaved again?

Ask the addict, and he will tell thee.

Look here- it will take an army, 24 hour vigils, seven days a week for months on end to get the money off your back; until you relapse.

How do you kick a habit, an engrained behavior,  an evil spell casted by the wizards of Uz?

How do you break the chains of captivity, when for 500 years you've been ganged up on by so many nations?

How do you free your spirit and take back your righteous mind and true heritage?

How do you get back all those years lost, when you've come to believe the lie so much that you become an addict to it? So much that without it you feel lost and, in some sick, twisted, and demented way, incomplete.  

This psychosis is called mental slavery.

 Brainwashing so complete and crafty, that it works all by itself once the spells have been cast by the wizards.

Is there any hope of liberty? Will freedom come? 

And if hope comes, would one be able to maintain it unto freedom in such dire situations?

The only true solution to break the chains of mind-control is to get a completely new mind and spirit, coupled with the discipline of abstinence from all the ways of the wicked wizards.

Where do you go to get a new mind, then?

Isaiah 8:19-20

Ezekiel 18:31-32

Romans 12:1-2

Ephesians 4:22-24

1 John 2:15-17

Philippians 2:12-15

Deuteronomy  30:15-20



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