I dwell among the Nations
thousands of miles
between us
on the other side of the world
I almost forgot you,
O Jerusalem
But His words
were etched into my heart
Distance, and time, and oceans,
and mountains, and open plains,
and rain forests, and hills, and
could not take away
the remembrance of your beauty, O City
of God
No matter how faint a memory it was
it is still there
Like the mustard seed,
small, yet it grows
it increase in size
so all the birds of heaven
may dwell in it's branches ( Matt. 13:31,32)
I recall you to mind again,
O Jerusalem
among all the nations
as He said I would ( Deut. 30:1,2,3,4)
God has not forsaken His people
Now I know His word is Truth
as it is written ( John 14:29)
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